Tag: brands
Trusted brands 2012: Romanians are loyal to brands that won their trust
Trusted Brands 2012, study made by Reader’s Digest in Romania and other 15 European countries, shows that Romanians are, more than the rest of Europeans, loyal to the brands that […]
Brands & Communities – a Smark event about brand communities
Smark KnowHow organizes, on April 26th, Brands & Communities, an event targeting Romanian marketing professionals, organized with Republika Interactive’s help. The event aims to help understand the communities phenomena, the way […]
Gemius study: Dacia, Borsec and Ursus, among most popular brands in Romanian online
Gemius unveiled today, at Digital Marketing Forum, the results of “Online Leading Brands 2012”, made together with Evensys. The study showed how the main national and international brands from 4 […]
360insights released Emotional Branding ranking – a top of Romanian consumers’ favourite brands
360insights made public Emotional Branding study, an analysis that ranks the favourite brands for Romanian consumers and that includes both international and local brands, such as Danone, Milka, Jacobs, Coca-Cola, Timisoreana, […]
Facebrands PRO launched new performance indicators for Facebook
Facebrands PRO launched new performance indicators for Facebook, companies that run campaigns on the platform being able to use new indicators and instruments that show the loyalty of their active […]
GfK Romania: Romanians rather praise than criticize the products they use
Romanian rather praise than criticize the products they use, according to a marketing research made by GfK Romania to study Romanian consumers opinion regarding the influence of word of mouth. […]
Superbrands Romania finished the research phase for 2011-2012 program
Superbrands Romania finished the research phase for 2011-2012 program, with 740 brands disputing the supremacy as Superbrand in Romanian consumers preferences. As a conclusion of the research phase of Superbrands […]
Brandstalk and Nicola Porter Novelli tell the story of Aurelia Visinescu’s wines
Brandstalk and Nicola Porter Novelli tell the story of the wines in Aurelia Visinescu’s portfolio, that will be promoted through a mix of advertising and PR starting this autumn. Nomad, […]
GfK Romania: Romanian social media users like to be friends with brands
According to a study made by GfK Romania for the Romanian marcom news site IQads, Romanian social media users appreciate companies online communication both through online advertising and social media. […]
Research: Ursus – most remembered after Romania-France football game
Exact Research and Consultancy, BBDO Group’s marketing research agency, made a “Day After Reach” research regarding the most remembered brands for the public that watched, on Romanian Television, the football […]