Gabriela Lungu, The Practice: Being juror at Cannes – an amazing experience
Gabriela Lungu is Managing Partner The Practice, Romanian partner of Publicis Consultants | Worldwide (Publicis Groupe) and part of Leo Burnett Group Romania.
Normally a busy person, Gabriela Lungu was even more busy than usual this last week, because she was one of the jurors that established who deserves to win one of the very desired Lions in PR Lions, competition that is, this year, at the second edition.
Between the judging process and the extraordinary atmosphere that is now in Cannes, Gabriela Lungu gave us a bit of an inside view of Cannes Lions 2010.
AdHugger: Which are the feelings you have as a juror in PR Lions at Cannes Festival?
Gabriela Lungu: Excitement first of all – it is an amazing experience for a professional. And responsibility – no matter how fun it is, we’re all taking this very seriously.
AdHugger: How is the atmosphere during judging process?
Gabriela Lungu: All my fellow jurors are opinionated, and open, and curious, great professionals… We debate, change each other’s mind, agree, agree to disagree… It’s very lively and enjoyable!
AdHugger: How is the jury analyzing the works? What are the Do’s and Do not’s while judging in a Cannes Lions jury?
Gabriela Lungu: What I can say is that we clearly favor a good story vs just tactics, conversation vs buzz, authenticity vs gimmicks, involving vs informing, dialogue vs monologue…
AdHugger: What impressed you until now in the works you judged? Any remarks regarding the direction PR sector will go in the near future?
Gabriela Lungu: That is making an impression every time is a good story and sustainable conversation around it that delivers tangible results. PR agencies need to understand that good strategies and well implemented series of tactics are not enough. In the nowadays communication environment one needs strong ideas deeply rooted in the brand universe to really make the difference.
AdHugger: How is Cannes atmosphere/ pulse in the festival’s dawn?
Gabriela Lungu: It’s still quiet in Cannes, but soon it’ll be crazy. 60,000 people are expected…
AdHugger: As a communication professional, what would you recommend during Cannes Festival?
Gabriela Lungu: Attend the presentations – leave the beach and the sun for other holidays
About this year’s Cannes Lions
The 57th Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival will take place from June 20th to June 26th, in Cannes (France).
Romanian agencies submitted this year 104 entries to Cannes Lions, most of them in categories such as Press (26), Outdoor (20) and Media (20). Next in the Romanian agencies’ preferences were PR (12), Promo (6), Film and Radio (5 each), Cyber (4), Direct (3), Design (2) and Titanium (1).
At this year’s edition of the festival, organizers announced they received more than 24,000 entries from 90 countries, this being the 4th highest level of entries ever. The increase in number of enteries is of 7% versus last year.