McCann Romania starts 2011 McConferences

Creativity, Marketing, Media, PR

Convinced that McCann Erickson Romania means more than advertising and that the creativity cannot develop if it’s kept close, the agency starts again, in February, a series of conferences on other themes than advertising

This way, on Fridays, for 2 hours, McConferences will mean discussions about art, fashion, design and other fascinating things. The discussions will take place involving an assistance that includes McCann employees, clients, partners and members of the press.

McConferences are organized together with Calea Victoriei Foundation, in a relaxed, non-conformist and interactive atmosphere, that encourage learning. 

The 1st conference’s theme is “Everything you wanted to know about fashion but didn’t dare to ask”. The conference is taking place on Friday, with Mihai Cosmatchi as speaker.

McCann Erickson Romania is one of the most important advertising agencies in Romania, having as clients companies such as The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé, Vodafone, L’Oréal, GM-Opel, MasterCard Europe.

The communication group McCann WorldGroup Romania includes McCann Erickson, Momentum, Universal McCann, McCann PR and MRM Worldwide.