Facebrands.ro: Over 3M Facebook users in Romania
Facebrands.ro, 1st Romanian Facebook pages monitoring tool, announced that the number of Facebook users in Romania increased to over 3M, reaching to 3,018,500 people
According to Facebrands.ro, over 14% of Romania’s population i using Facebook.
Out of the over 3M Romanian users, 1,53M (50.74%) filled in on their profile the town they live in. From them, 26.78% are from Bucharest (403,600), the following towns in terms of users being Cluj-Napoca(113,960 users, 7.44%), Timisoara (98,960 users, 6.46% ) and Iasi(93,700 users, 6.12% ).
Compared to January, the number of users from Bucharest increased by 33%. In total, the increase was of 2%.