MicaPublicitate.net affiliates to Realitatea.net

Digital & Media, Media

MicaPublicitate.net (classifieds) affiliates to Realitatea.net, increasing news portal monthly estimated traffic by 25%.

Realitatea.net integrated the classified portal and will gain around 400,000 unique visitors a month.

We want to regain the 1st position in the general news sites top in SATI both through strategical moves such the affiliation agreement signed today (…) but also through editorial efforts

Sorin Kosz

Publisher Realitatea.net and Money.ro


With this affiliation, Realitatea.net users have access to over 230,000 announces and general interest information, from business, constructions, real estate to books, DVD and music.

After closing the deal with Realitatea.net, the advertising sales for micapublicitate.net were taken over by Q2M.