Zelist Monitor monitors also the online press comments
Starting July 26th, Zelist Monitor added to its over 140,000 online monitoring sources also the comments from 13 online press sources, such as: capital.ro, adevarul.ro, evz.ro, ziuaveche.ro, mediafax.ro, jurnalul.ro, hotnews.ro, gandul.info, stirileprotv.ro, antena3.ro, realitatea.net, perfecte.ro, eva.ro. The number of online monitored comments is scheduled to grow each month.
According to ZeList, over 320,000 comments were published from June 25th to July 24th on the 13 monitored sources.
The comments are among the indicators showing articles’ popularity, both for online press and blogs. Also, comments allow a better understanding of readers attitudes and sentiments over monitored companies and brands, allow a direct discussion between the brand and readers and so on.
For ZeList Monitor clients and collaborators, testing the module is free for 3 months, with a symbolic fee to be introduced afterwards.
Zelist Monitor, developed and implemented by TreeWorks, is a Romanian social media monitoring service following over 64,000 blogs, over 55,000 Twitter accounts, over 20,000 public Facebook pages and groups, over 1,200 online press sources and the most important 51 Romanian forums.