UPDATED: Romanian Public TV – to fire 980 people and implement a plan for economic recovery


(adds info on collective layoffs from Romanian state TV)

Collective layoffs at Romanian state TV will start on November 20th and will target 962 jobs, Mediafax informs. Following the restructuring process, Romanian State TV will remain with 2,340 employees.

Claudiu Saftoiu, president general director at Romanian State TV (SRTv), sent to TVR’s employees union (SPUSTV) a notification on TVR’s intent to operate collective layoffs and the project of TVR personnel’s reorganization and restructuring plan.

The people that would be affected by collective layoffs will received a number of salaries as financial compensation and their contracts will end after a period of notice that cannot be smaller than 20 working days.

On August 29th, Romanian State TV’s management board voted, with majority of votes (10 out 13), the program aiming to insure the economic recovery of the institution. The decision will be submitted for information to the Romanian Parliament upper and lower chambers and to the Finance Ministru. In order for SRTV to be able to pay its debt in rates, during a period of 7 years, the decision to adopt a plan for economic discovery must be discussed during the Govern’s meeting scheduled for September 1st.

The measures included in the Program aim to harmonize the editorial offer and the resources used for programs with SRTv’s monthly revenues. In consequence, the 1st objectives of the program are to reposition editorial policy and to valorify the productions it broadcasts already, adapting the use of human resources and materials to the constraints the institution faces and rebuilding the financial and organizational balance.

The program was drafted by a team named by SRTv’s board on August 20th and had the mission to present a proposal for analysis and debate on August 28th. The team included Managemend and Directors Boards members and specialists – both internal and external.

According to Mediafax, around 1,000 people (980) will be fired following the restructuring process, with the team of Romanian State TV to be reduced to 2,340 people.