An information campaign, launched in Romania on World Lupus Day


Although Doctor House would say “It’s never lupus”, a campaign was launched in Romania with the purpose to show the general public some insights of this disease.

For the campaign, a special website – – was created and will get “sick” with lupus from May 10th to May 17th. The website will function similar to a person that has lupus in order to make people acknowledge the main symptoms and effects lupus has over patients lives.

The campaign is launched on World Lupus Day, marked all over the world on May 10th. It aims to offer more information to the population over the symptoms and impact of the disease over the patients, considering lupus is an autoimmune disease, non-contagious, impossible to prevent and hard to diagnose.

2 Romanian associations launched, with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Romania’s support, an app that makes get sick.

The campaign runs on the special website, but also on selected blogs.