UAPR launches Pitch Guidelines in Romania

Business, Creativity

Romanian Advertising Agencies Association (UAPR) launches a new program, “Pitch Guidelines”, a guide drafted and endorsed by EACA and World Federation of Advertising (WFA). The guide provides the relevant information on organizing, running and ending a pitch.

The document, innovative for Romanian advertising market, targets both clients and agencies and aims to promote the best practices in pitches and facilitates forging a solid and trust-based relation between client and agency

The guide describes the stages of a successful pitch and includes extremely useful recommendations for both parties. It also includes guidelines on organizing and participating to pitches and represents a good orientation and management indicator as each pitch means allocating important resources both from the client and the agency, and this is why the process needs to be treated with utter attention.

Radu Florescu


Pitch Guidelines is focused on the efficiency of the pitch and allows building an optimal relation between client and agency. Its precise purpose is to become a fundamental instrument, a common language for both parties. We want Romanian advertising industry to align to the European and international practices in the field and to have only correct pitches, in which both the client and the agency show honesty and each benefits of the experience of those it gets in contact with

Radu Florescu,

UAPR President

Pitch Guidelines also has the potential to offer a comprehensive image over the pitches organized in Romania, being an important support both for companies interested in developing advertising campaigns and for advertising agencies. The programs also comes to help the client that looks to identify and choose the agencies that match the best its demands, having the advantage of an objective and coherent vision over Romanian advertising industry.