GfK launched GfK Brand Vivo
GfK launched GfK Brand Vivo – a new brand tracking system that uses relational intelligence, a more valid and sensitive way to monitor how consumers experience, connect to and engage with brands. It shows how brand experiences build relationships that drive future behavior.
GfK’s new approach uses human relationship metaphors to express the evolving social and emotional connections that consumers have with brands. From this, clients can see and optimize the mixture of strong, weak and at-risk relationships that drive the trajectory of brands across time.
The system goes deeper into this “relational” idea to quantify the brand’s latent, versus active, equity and reveal under-exploited opportunities for converting strong brand relationships into behavior.
Activating latent brand equity is a big opportunity for brands and GfK Brand Vivo reveals the experiences and connections that will help convert latent equity into action. This lets us provide unique and intuitive insights to allow our clients to grow their brands’ share and value.
Gavin Dickinson,
Global Director of Brand Strategy GfK
We see Brand Vivo as a pivot point in the evolution from conventional brand tracking to new thinking. It reflects the way brands are organic to everyday life in the seamless flow between the physical and digital worlds.
Helen Zeitoun,
Global Head of Brand and Customer Experience GfK,