7th Superbrands edition in Romania to research perception over brands
The 7th edition of Superbrands program in Romania was launched and started with a new Superbrands Council including 25 business personalities and with a market research made in partnership with Ipsos Romania and aimed to identify the brands that qualify for Superbrands 2015 status.
Based on the qualitative selection made by its Council, Superbrands Romania will run, in March-April 2015, a quantitative research aimed to measure Romanians’ perception over the reputation of more than 700 brands present on the local market, namely brands targeting the final consumer. The study will take place online, on a sample of 1,500 respondents. Criteria considered when selecting Superbrands are reputation, trust, quality, differentiation on the market.
To make the market research, Superbrands Romania chose to continue its partnership started 2 years ago with Ipsos Romania.
The members of the Council are, for this edition of Superbrands, personalities of the business environment, professionals in business management, marketing, communication and media who represent different Romanian economic sectors.
Superbrands operates in over 100 country in the world and stimulates pro-actively, for over 20 years, the development of the local markets with specialized branding programs and publishing Superbrands books.