Romanian Anti-AIDS Association (ARAS) launched Internet HIV to raise awareness over the virus

Creativity, CSR

Romanian Anti-AIDS Association (ARAS) launched Internet_HIV, an online campaign delivering the online and inoffensive version of the virus in order to raise awareness among Romanian public over the fact that contacting HIV virus can be contacted without showing any symptoms. As part of the campaign, a cookie file was delivered to over 170,000 devices with internet access the moment they accessed certain web pages. The aim of the campaign is to convince more Romanians to take the HIV test as the virus can be hold under control if found on time.

For a week, the mentioned devices contacted Internet_HIV, an inoffensive cookie file, automatically downloaded when accessing a web page and with no visible sign of the file’s presence within the device. Same as in the incipient stage of HIV virus, which is and can remain undetected and with no visible traces for a long time and can be found only via a special test.AIDS

All those who contacted the cookie file were afterwards retargeted via banners related to the importance of being aware of the fact that HIV virus is asymptomatic during primary stages and testing is important in order to identify it.

The campaign has a dedicated website,, where people who contacted Internet_HIV were able to see for how many days the cookie is in their devices and can find out more info on the stages of HIV infection. On the same web page, anyone can opt to take an HIV test, available for free during the campaign period, May 5-13.