The Romanian Jumppi app to launch during Bucharest Tech Week
In the big metropolis, almost two thirds of the youngsters with ages 16-24 say they feel alone, at least sometimes. Therefore, the friendships they are forming are fewer and fewer and of a shorter duration of time. Starting from this reality, the creators of the Jumppi app want to help people meet in the moments in which they don’t have their friends close or they just simply want to meet new people, doing a shared activity.
Therefore, the team formed of 3 developers and a designer have been working for 10 months at the Jumppi app. After interviews with the potential users, user research sessions and many implementing hours, they have the first version of the app that covers the user’s main need.
Once logged in, a user can take part in an activity he finds interesting, without any request of pre hand acceptance, or to create his /hers own activity and wait for others to join in. The steps a user needs to follow are: say what he /she wants to do (go out, play squash, walk in the park,etc), set up a meeting place and the hour and, optional, give some details about what he /she would want to talk about or what type of people he /she likes to meet.
For the next release, the team is already working on an AI engine in which the passive users, the ones that only watch and don’t take part, will receive invitations of going out with other users, based on the compatibility of their mood.
The app is 100% a Romanian product and is already integrated when it comes to recommendations for places, with another Romanian app that reserves tables at restaurants and bars, called IaLoc ( ).