AcademIAA’s Summer School,hosted by Transilvania University
AcademIAA, the partnership between the academic field and the marcomm industry, expends at a national level through new collaborations with the Transilvania University (Brașov) and the Babeș-Bolyai University.
The moment is marked by the organizing of the first Summer School dedicated to the teachers from the communication and marketing faculties at Transilvania University in Brașov. The first Summer School by AcademIAA takes place during the weekend July 26-28, at Brașov, and includes 2 trainings dedicated to the 20 teachers that represent the profile faculties and a meeting dedicated to investigating the academic research directions in collaboration with the marketing and communication industry.
Therefore, the meeting puts the basis of a systematic long term collaboration through which the academic environment becomes a prime research partner for the local marketing and communication industry. Potential research resulted from this partnership will be,for example, the evaluation of the workforce in marcomm medium term.
The trainings:
- Innovation in business and education – with Liliana Caimacan, Business Transformation Strategist & Innovation Leader and Teacher at HULT International Business School
- Soft Skills – with Ciprian Teleman, Founder MAX Business and Consultant
AcademIAA is an educational program of IAA Romania, launched in 2017 and structured in 3 peelers: systemic collaborations (research and contribution to the university curricula), programs for teachers (The Open Doors’ Day in companies, the Summer School, access to the IAA School) and programs for students (MentorIAA).
The efforts of the Cluj IAA Romania work group put the basis of the collaboration with Babeș-Bolyai University and therefore AcademIAA becomes a meeting, education and debating platform for 5 big universities: Universitatea Bucuresti (The Journalism and Mass Communication Faculty), Academia de Studii Economice (The Marketing Faculty), Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative (The Communication and PR faculty and the Management Faculty), Universitatea Transilvania and Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai.