15 celebrities send their home isolation recommendations, in Romanian YOLO Media´s campaign, #UnitiNeVaFiBine


The communication agency YOLO Media launched a social responsibility clip in the home isolation period, a project joined by 15 Romanian, Italian and US public figures. Starting the headline launched by YOLO Media a month ago, #UnitiNeVaFiBine, the celebrities send solidarity messages and recommendations regarding what can people do constructively at home in order to surpass this difficult period of time.

Loredana, Alexandra Dinu, Alexandra Nechita, Catalin Botezatu, Anca Serea, Ela Craciun, Carmen Bruma, Dana Razboiu, Giulia Nahmany, DJ Wanda, Carmen Negoita, Daiana Anghel, Lorena Buhnici, Andreea Perju and Dana Savuica sent home video messages that were included in the YOLO Media TVC, encouraging the public to the responsible and united in order to pass in good status this difficult period of time and to build afterwards a cleaner and more balanced future.

In this period in which our health and the full system in which we live are threatened is very important to be united, to understand that we are confronting ourselves with an unprecedented situation and which we are learning to face. Therefore we need that the anxiety, the uncertainty and the revolt don’t overwhelm us. In the last days the unsatisfied feelings intensified in the online, the people are losing their patience, they feel wronged, they harshly critique and accuse. From a social point of view, as well as an economic one, is important to be united and to pass together through this crisis, even with the collateral losses, in order for afterwards to have the power to rebuild all the system in a clean and efficient manner,” said Sorin Dutoiu, Managing Partner YOLO Media.

The video spot was created by the team YOLO Media, the PR and communication agency that offered in March pro-bono consultancy to the companies impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. The agency’s specialists analyzed the situation of each company and created an action plan meant to help the companies adapt. Moreover, it created pro-bono the filming and the editing of the documentaries that present the rolling of the projects for the foundation Pretuieste Viata that gathered and offered donations of over EUR 700.000 in the fight against the COVID-19.

Azi este ziua mea de naștere și îmi doresc, mai mult decât orice, ca perioada prin care trecem acum să ne facă mai buni! Îmi doresc ca mesajul pe care l-am inclus în acest spot YOLO Media să devină realitate!În această perioadă în care sănătatea noastră și întreg sistemul în care trăim sunt amenințate, este foarte important să fim uniți, solidari, să înțelegem că ne confruntăm cu o situație nemaîntâlnită până acum și căreia învățăm să îi facem față. De aceea avem nevoie ca anxietatea, nesiguranța și revolta să nu ne acapareze. În ultimele zile s-au intensificat sentimentele de nemulțumire în mediul online, oamenii își pierd răbdarea, se simt neîndreptățiți, critică dur și acuză. Atât din punct de vedere social, cât și economic, este important să fim uniți și să trecem împreună peste această criză, chiar și cu pierderile aferente, pentru ca apoi să avem puterea de a reconstrui tot sistemul curat și eficient.Este șansa noastră de a demonstra că putem fi o nație puternică, iar acest lucru înseamnă să fim uniți, nicidecum dezbinați. Prin spotul YOLO Media ne-am dorit să transmitem emoție și speranța că ceea ce trăim acum ne poate face mai buni. Astfel ni s-au alăturat 15 persoane publice, cu care colaborăm frecvent în proiectele agenției, pentru a transmite publicului lor mesajul nostru, dar și recomandări punctuale despre cum pot trece mai bine peste această perioadă dificilă. Împreună o vom face, dacă rămânem uniți! #UnitiNeVaFiBine

Publicată de Sorin Dutoiu pe Miercuri, 15 aprilie 2020

At short time after we announced our intention,we received tens of requests form the representatives of companies impacted by the consumers’ social isolation. We decided to dedicate them some hours daily in order to create an action plan for each one of the ones that requested our help. They received a questionnaire that they had to fill in and by answering a series of questions we are able to understand the situation those companies were in. Therefore we created an action plan for each one, ideas that, implemented, will help them adapt to the present situation. Until now we helped 35 companies and we will dedicate our time now to the ones that asked as in the meantime,” explained Sorin Dutoiu.

The small and medium companies are the ones that suffer the most while their cashing dropped drastically and the rents, rates and the employees’ salaries need to be paid. In this difficult time the companies need to communicate correctly and efficiently with the public and the business partners, even their activity is temporary suspended. YOLO Media’s initiative is a small help that we can offer to the ones found in this crisis situation. The economy needs to be supported! United we will be good,” added Christian Stan, Managing Partner YOLO Media.

The companies that asked for YOLO Media’s help came from fields of activity such as:  HoReCa, organizing events, theater, entertainment for children, medical clinics, beauty saloons, foundations and associations.

YOLO Media has in its portfolio companies such as: Top Line, flydubai, Emirates, Centrele Silhouette, Bodyshape Transformation Center, Federația Română de Canotaj, Institutul Guinot, Royal Caribbean, Six Senses Hotels and Resorts, Gianluca Mech Spa, as well as doctors, specialists, business people and known public figures in the Romanian showbiz.