MSL The Practice to handle local communication for Nespresso in Romania

Business, Digital & Media, Marketing, PR, Social Media, Specialized Communication

MSL The Practice was selected to be Nespresso’s communication agency in Romania, following a pitch in which were involved some of the top local PR agencies.  

Nespresso, division of Nestle România, is one of the most known coffee brands and the first brand in Romania that introduced its own infrastructure to collect and recycle the aluminium coffee pods. Headquartered in Lausanne, Nespresso has activities in 84 countries and has over 14.000 employees, with a global network of 810 stores in 2019, from which 5 in Romania.

MSL The Practice will offer consultancy in corporate and brand communication to the company, support in implementation of communication campaigns and of the CSR actions, media relations and influencer marketing, but also social media consultany and content creation for Nespresso in Romania.

Sonia Nastase, Business Executive Officer Nespresso Romania.

In just 6 years on the Romanian market, Nespresso managed to become an important name for the quality coffee, but also in what concerns responsibility towards environment. Considering all these, corporate communication, brand communication and social media became more and more important for us. We needed the best suited partner and we are happy to have found that in MSL The Practice team

Oana Bulexa, Managing Director MSL The Practice

We are happy and honored that we could contribute to consolidating Nespresso’s presence in Romania. It is a brand that we were already appreciating as avid consumers, but we were happy to discover a company with strong values and with a profound impact over society’s and community’s well-being