Romanian PR Award – under sign of values at 22nd edition

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Romanian PR Award announced the start of the entry period for the 22nd edition of the competition. The period to submit entries will close on October 4th. The Înscrierile la cea de-a 22-a ediție a competiției Romanian PR Award încep astăzi şi se vor încheia vineri, 4 octombrie 2024. The theme of this year’s edition brings into the spotlight the values animating the PR profession.

Dana Oancea, President Forum for International Communication, organizer of the event:

I wish you see the theme of this edition as an open invitation to reflection. The current practice is going through a series of challenges related to professionalization, identity aspects, blurry borders and ethical relativism. To navigate, we need courage, moral talent and a constant relation with the universe of question, as sign of health for the trade, of being well settled on the values territory. To reflect over the values that animate our trade can be a value in itself

The period to submit entries lasts until October 4th and eligible are the projects that ran during the last 2 years.

Competition’s jury reunites competencies from 17 countries and consists of communication directors, representatives from global PR agencies, executives from Romanian agencies and representatives from academical environment and civil society, professional organizations – IPRA, Arthur W. Page Society, CIPR, ARRP, PROI Worldwide and AMEC, and independent consultants.

Starting 2024, the competition introduces a special section dedicated to diversity and inclusion programs. Moreover, some categories are adjusted and expanded to match today’s practices, while Junior PR Award, dedicated to young PR professionals, is reintroduced.

Romanian PR Award Gala takes place on November 20th at JW Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest. Besides the awards on each category, the jury will also award PR Agency of the Year, PR Innovator of the Year, Best Use of PR Measurement & Evaluation, a special distinction awarded by Raiffeisen Bank, and Junior PR Award.

Romanian PR Award is supported by IPRA (International Public Relations Association) and ARRP (Asociația Română de Relații Publice), partners Raiffeisen Bank, Ursus Breweries, Coca Cola HBC, Banca Transilvania, MedLife, Penny, Dacia, Provident, Deschidem Vinul Românesc, Poftim Brânză Românească, MediaTrust, 360Revolution, VIP Romania, and the media partners Hotnews, PR Romania, Revista Cariere, IQADS, Spotmedia, România Pozitivă, Adhugger, CSR Romania and Zelist.

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