Highlight Agency: We over-deliver, but never over-promise

Creativity, People

AdHugger sat down with Alex Petrea, Chief Operating Officer Highlight Agency, and Andreea Dobranici, Creative Director Highlight Agency, and talked about the secrets of the BTL advertising, what it means a creative and successful campaign, how is it to implement it right and many more interesting subjects.

How would you characterize the BTL advertising in Romania in 2024?

Alex Petrea: If I were to choose one word, it would be effervescent. It was much more dynamic than the previous years. A lot of changes in portfolios, new players on the market, new events (bigger and steadier than other editions), lots of artists that performed and obviously attracted public and sponsor and a much more focus in the retail zone.

It was a very good year for our market, a lot of creative ideas, new materials and new media/technology involved, so I can only hope for the better, but nevertheless I see some changes coming for 2025.

Andreea Dobranici, Creative Director Highlight Agency

Andreea Dobranici: The BTL industry in Romania is constantly growing. Brands understand that one-to-one interactions with consumers can make a difference. Experiential marketing is becoming increasingly popular and brands are focusing on creating unique and memorable experiences that resonate with consumers and drive engagement. The BTL advertising landscape is evolving to meet the changing needs of the public and businesses by developing new approaches, integrating new technologies and redefining interaction.

What do you do differently than other agencies?

Alex Petrea: Now I need 2 words: passion and efficiency.

The highly skilled members of Highlight did not lose their energy even after their long experience in the market. They all share the enthusiasm and drive. They take their resources from each creative idea that gets born, from every little thing that made a difference, from each cable well posed and moreover from every smile of any of our partners.

It is incredible to see their drive and consistency, given the fact that we now have well above 500 implemented projects. We have a great mix of professional at Highlight Agency and I can assure you that each and every one of them will give their heart, soul and expertise to make it happen.

The other thing that I keep talking about is efficiency. And this is where the expertise of the creative, production, client service and field teams make magic. It is very satisfying to see them ALL collaborate to always find the best ideas and the solutions, with the optimal amount of resources involved. You can always count on our team to be there, to always find a way of doing things. And you can also check the references that we get.

Andreea Dobranici: The most significant difference lies in this company’s approach to its employees. Prioritizing people over profits fosters a positive and supportive work environment, leading to increased productivity, creativity, and stronger client relationships. Happy employees are the key to successful projects.

How do you approach the pitches in a creative manner?

Andreea Dobranici: Creativity is ingrained in our company culture, regardless of department. While this is a strength, it’s essential to ground our innovative ideas with solid financial, technical, and organizational foundations to create cohesive and impactful proposals.

How important is the manner in which you implement the campaigns?

Alex Petrea: It is ESSENTIAL. Attention to details is the best recipe for success. I also consider it to be a trademark, your own signature. It represents your work and the way you are perceived. Flawless may be a myth, but you must strive to reach it. It is not impossible.

Andreea Dobranici: Without this essential step, these would remain some nice pictures and some smart words on a piece of paper. While we strive for seamless execution, unexpected challenges often arise. Over time, we’ve gained valuable experience in overcoming these obstacles, ensuring that our team’s creativity, hard work, and dedication always result in successful outcomes.

Alex Petrea, COO Highlight Agency

How has your expertise helped you in order to offer consultancy to clients and to change the manner in which they wanted a certain execution? Can you give us some examples?

Alex Petrea: You definitely have to reach a certain level of trust to do that. And it comes both ways. I recall many situations in which our expertise related to permits and authorizations, safety regulations or vendor operations made our partners change their mind about an execution, becoming more flexible in terms of budget or timeline.

It is also mainly related to types of materials/structures/technology that we use or deadlines that sometimes can be overcomed, but sometimes you simply cannot do that due to legislations or waiting times from the authorities.

Also, I believe very much that a buck well spent can get you 2 bucks in return. So, if you well argument the case, you may find yourself in the position of getting extra budget for an idea or a system that may exceed your partner’s expectations.

Also, I admit that at the beginning of my career I benefited from one of my partner’s expertise, related to stage design and lighting, therefore it comes both ways. Present and argument your case, but if the opportunity arises for you to learn from the person sitting on the other side of the table…take it.

Andreea Dobranici: We’re committed to building collaborative relationships with our clients, where we leverage each other’s strengths. While we may sometimes have differing perspectives, we’re always open to considering their suggestions. If we believe their approach is viable, we’ll happily implement it. However, if we have concerns about its effectiveness, we’ll advocate for our own solution, providing clear explanations and insights.

How do you succeed in implementing exactly what you promise, what is your secret?

Alex Petrea: There are some key factors indeed. The first one would be the expertise that we gathered throughout the years, without the fear of being wrong. We were never afraid of learning from the mistakes we made in the past, but that made us stronger. Luckily, we do not make them anymore 😊

Second thing, even if I am repeating myself: the passion and the drive. Being stubborn and perfectionists we tie all the loose ends. EVERY time. Always have a backup plan. And always be there for support and ideas/solutions.

Third thing: we always promise something that we can really do. We over-deliver, but never over-promise. And last, but not least: character and ethics. I can never look in the eyes of a partner, making false promises just to get the contract.

Andreea Dobranici: No secrets, just a commitment to professionalism, diligence, and unwavering dedication. These are the cornerstone of our approach.

How important are innovation in the introduction of new techniques and digital in your creative projects?

Alex Petrea: I find them very important. Not key, but important. Helpful, efficient most of the time.

Not all of them are easy to use or implement, but they give you a certain amount of efficiency and sometimes allow you to be a little faster and also save some resources. I find it helpful to a high degree, but to be creative you have to do more than that. Understanding the product, the message and delivering it are the most important aspects.

Of course, digital and technology can help you a lot in sometimes getting faster and better, even enlarge some of the campaign results or obtain higher KPIs. But they cannot be more creative than my colleagues. The deep understanding of the brief cannot rely solely on technology. So, a big thumbs up for it, but chapeau for my creative colleagues.

Andreea Dobranici: Innovation is crucial in the introduction of new techniques and digital elements within our BTL advertising projects. It allows us to engage consumers in more dynamic and personalized ways, creating memorable experiences that stand out in a cluttered market. By integrating cutting-edge technology and fresh ideas, we can craft more immersive and interactive campaigns that resonate with the target audience. Innovation also ensures that we stay ahead of industry trends, adapt to changing consumer behaviors, and deliver measurable results that align with the client’s goals. Ultimately, it fuels the creativity and effectiveness of our campaigns, making them more impactful and relevant.

What are the projects that you are the most proud of in 2023-2024 and why?

Alex Petrea: It is a difficult question, I must admit. I always talk about how we give our hearts out and involve ourselves in each project. It is hard to make a difference between projects. But, if I have to choose, there would be the launching of the new PEPSI identity and the Kozel regional project that expanded our BTL expertise abroad.

The PEPSI new brand identity reveal event was a perfect mix of creativity, technology and arts. The shows that we created were a perfect blend between all of the above: immersive projections, dancing, flair bartending, giant selfie retro projection, the décor, the influencers. It was just great.

Another one close to my heart is The Kozel regional events set-up. We are very proud because it legitimates our expertise, being the only player in the market to create, design, produce and implement a huge setup for a famous brand across the region. We succeeded in creating memorable experiences throughout Europe for tens of thousands of people with our own local resources. And more satisfying, it keeps going.  

Andreea Dobranici: First, we are very proud that our clients consistently entrust us with their most ambitious projects. Our proven expertise and strong relationships have solidified our position in the industry. A recent highlight was the launch event of the new Pepsi visual identity in Romania, a significant milestone marking the beginning of a dynamic and innovative era for this brand.

What are the main challenges in BTL advertising in 2024?

Alex Petrea: I’ve said it before and I will say it again. It is not only about 2024, it is a perpetual fact: STAY RELEVANT. Know your audience/target. Measure the results. Do not dilute your message. It has become very easy to be just one snowflake in the snowstorm, in this abundance of messages, in this very “noisy” market.

Andreea Dobranici: One of the biggest hurdles we face is the ever-evolving consumer landscape. In today’s digital-first world, BTL campaigns must adapt to these changes. To stay relevant, we prioritize integrating cutting-edge technologies into our projects and closely follow industry trends. Another significant challenge is securing adequate budgets. While some projects are generously funded, the scale of our ambitious proposals often exceeds available resources.

How do you surpass them?

Alex Petrea: Work, learn, adapt. Put every brain cell to work, keep yourself informed, never be afraid to talk to people and learn from them! Constant learning, experiencing other brand activations, checking and testing other people’s work can give you a deeper understanding of the market. And maybe the most important, let my colleagues be a constant presence in my life. Both professional and individually. It is a great way of learning. On every level.

Andreea Dobranici: We strive to stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in BTL advertising, continually adjusting our strategies and tactics as the industry evolves. In terms of budget, we seek out the most cost-effective providers and creatively tailor solutions to fit within the financial constraints.

What do you wish from 2025?

Alex Petrea: I wish that we keep growing the agency. I am still optimistic, regardless of the difficult times that most of the people predict for next year. I know that we have a great team and there is still much to be done in the market. I also wish that our partners would maintain their confidence in what we provide. And, on a personal level, I wish for good health and to add at least 5-6 shelves to my library 😊.

Andreea Dobranici: Our goal for 2025 is to increase our client portfolio while matching or exceeding our project volume from this year.

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