Romanian National Statistics Institute: 33 dailies and 143 magazines have “vanished” in 2009

Marketing, Media

Statistics from Romanian National Statistics Institute (INS) show that the number of Romanian daily titles shrinked, last year, by 33 and mention a decrease by 23.9% of the number of copies published in 2009, compared to 2008. On the other hand, the number of magazines reduced by 143. Currently, on the market there are 1,389 magazines, most of them dedicated to a specialized public. The information from INS’ statistics is included in an article published by

INS notices a decrease of number of titles on all publishing segments, no matter of the printing frecquence. This way, the number of copies published by periodic publications (newspapers and magazines) was of 99,95M last year, down with 14,12M compared to 2008.

The number of publications’ decrease was also determined by the decrease in value of the advertising market, that attracted budgets with 40% smaller than in 2008. Loosing the advertising budgets affected the most the print industry and attracted an important number of layoffs in this area. According to, the number of journalists that were fired was over 1,200 at national level.

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