Romanian Eurovision enters social media

Digital & Media, Media

Eurovision, music competition for which the Romanian national selection is made by the Romanian State TV, TVR, entered in social media, on Facebook and Twitter, starting this week.

Through its Twitter account and via its Facebook page, the Romanian Eurovision organizers mainly want to inform in real time the people interested by the competition evolution at national level. In the next stages, Eurovision Romania intends to communicate with the large public, the artistic community and the journalists in an interactive manner.

Also, another goal for entering social media is, for TVR, to boast the notoriety of Eurovision in the category of young and active people in Romania. As AdHugger noticed during years, Eurovision has a pretty bad image in Romania, being considered as a “communist” music contest that never ends up designating the representatives that people really like in the competition, but some other contestants chosen on political or non-conclusive grounds.

According to a press release published online, Eurovision Romania is a representative brand for Romanian State television, that promotes, in the same time, the Romanian musical creation to represent Romania in the European song contest.

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