TeComm’17: Top 3 key elements for achieving success with an online store
Online platforms, online payments, consumer behaviors and online sales are just some of the topics that will be discussed on April 26th and 27th during TeCOMM eCommerce Conference&Expo, which brings together more than 250 online store owners and eCommerce professionals.
One of the platforms that help online store owners is Exponea, which helps to collect and analyze site data. As regional director, Jakub Minks (Regional Director, Central&Eastern Europe, Exponea) is responsible for sales, services and support in the 11 Central and Eastern European countries. Jakub has a doctorate degree in Genetics and has spent more than 10 years doing research before entering the business field. Combining his analytic thinking with his practical view of the world, Jakub brings value, substance and understanding to his clients.
The online platform is one of the key elements in eCommerce, but the success of an online business also depends on its content, which must be indexed. “SEO optimization is becoming more and more complex, closer and closer to what online marketing means in general. In order to give a list of results, Google takes into account new indicators of brand presence on social media, on streaming websites such as YouTube, on specialized websites, on news outlets, on forums, on blogs etc. Google observes through its algorithms how users interact with the content you create, through the so-called user-experience indicators. Therefore, SEO optimization is starting to be more and more specific to online marketing.”, says Ovidiu Joiţa (CEO, Iagency), SEO and online marketing professional with over 15 years of experience, having worked with companies such as DCnews, Floria, Totalsoft sau Retargeting.
88% of online customers are influenced by call-center services when they shop online, while 95% of them recall negative experiences they have had with online stores, according to data provided by Zendesk, the software company that collaborates with over 200.000 international organizations.
In Romania, services and complete solutions for customers on all continents are offered by Mediatel Group, which is run by Dan Mazilu, who will speak at TeComm. Mediatel was named one of the strongest Romanian companies between 2015 and 2016, being in the top 4% of companies who met the eligibility criteria. Dan Mazilu, who used to compete in national mathematics competitions, graduated University “Politehnica” Bucharest in 1990, and has run Mediatel for over 20 years. During TeComm, Mazilu will participate at the Cross-borders forum on April 26th, alongside online shop owners, presenting ways to expand an online business.
One of the online stores that manage to develop successful customer interactions and impose themselves on the market is ECCO Shoes, through Victor Tighinean, (General Manager for Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia at ECCO Shoes). Victor Tighinean started his footwear business in 1998 with some multi-brand shops, obtaining in 2004 the ECCO master franchise for Romania and Moldova and opening their first ECCO store in Cluj-Napoca. Currently, he owns 24 ECCO stores, and he has been developing the online store business through a multichannel approach.
Ever since it was founded, ECCO has its headquarters in Denmark and over 19.500 employees in 50 countries all over the world. Victor Tighinean will present during TeCOMM what lies behind his success story and the ways in which he develops online stores according to the profile of international clients.
TeCOMM eCommerce Conference&Expo, organized by Libero Events, is the premium Eastern European event dedicated to the eCommerce industry. To be held on April 26th and 27th , the event will include presentations, debates and workshops, hosted by renowned international speakers.
AdHugger published this material as part of the media partnerships with TeComm’s organizers