TOP 3 ADC*RO November: #TrăiascăCapraVecinului is the Work of the Month
ADC Romania presents in November a diverse TOP 3 ADC*RO that includes campaigns about community, courage and disobedience, about patriotism and the Romanians’ specific humor. About expressions such as „Ghinion!” (Tough luck) or „Ce a vrut sa spuna autorul?” (What did the author want to say), but also about the manifest #TraiascaCapraVecinului (Long live the neighbor’s goat) that became The Work of the Month.
The campaign through which GMP and Webstyler wins The Work of the Month – #TrăiascăCapraVecinului – has as a starting point the sociological study done by GfK at PressOne‘s request and from which it shows that 1 in 2 Romanians is envious. Envy isn’t an unknown fact to Romanians and the very often used expression „Sa moară capra vecinului” (Let the neighbor be unlucky as well) has been remodeled by George Popa | Senior Art Director, Cosmin Nicola | Senior Art Director and Diana Nica | Copywriter.
On a market over saturated by tricolor campaigns, Capra Vecinului lives with humor and insight. I considered it a beautiful gesture of fair play and constructive competition, with a natural spread. An example of how an apparently dull brief can be approached with openness and courage,” said Diana Papuc, Vice-President ADC Romania & freelance Art Director.
The way it was expected from the context, ROM comes back as authentic as usual and even more patriotic with the new campaign Pentru România, doar tricolor!. The team, formed of Mihai Constantinescu | Art Director and Paula Ionescu | Copywriter,change again, with courage, the chocolate’s bar packaging and McCann Worldgroup Romania receives an accolade in the TV category.
Number one goes to the campaign „Nu știi când te lovește ghinionul” (You don’t know when the bad luck hits you), the result of the collaboration between Micutzu and Sector 7. The TVC, fast became viral, uses the humor known to the Romanian public though which CatMobile comes in the help of the ones struck by bad luck. The team behind: Alex Coteț | Director/Writer, Cosmin Nedelcu | Actor/Writer, Raul Gheba | Writer, Roxana Andrei | Producer.
Second place goes to Asociația De Basm and has the name „Nesupusele” (The disobedients). The project has as purpose the explaining of the cultural diversity with the help of some civic values, of patriotism. The result: elite examples from Romania’s less known history, 100 Romanian feminine personalities that helped the evolution through art, science or simply taking care of the family. The team that documented and created the website De Basm – Asociația Scriitorilor pentru Copii și Adolescenți | Concept & content; Adelina Butnaru (Faber Studio) | Visual identity; Horațiu Mitu | Webdesign (Pattern).
In the spirit of the Centenary, Sector 7 and Philips OneBlade bring a new speech full of humor through an imaginary universe in which the characters wear era garments, but adopt attitudes very anchored in the present. Straight Outta Ipoteşti takes the third place in Digital and presents the story of famous Romanian writers, through unique facts. From this adventure couldn’t miss the expression that marks every teenager „Ce a vrut sa spună autorul?” (What did the author want to say?). The team behind it: Alex Coteț | Director/Writer, Raul Gheba | Writer, Roxana Andrei | Producer.
The accolades in the category went to:
Black Button Books and Friends \ TBWA for a campaign dedicated to the Halloween, through which we can realize that O carte bună e o carte bună și când te sperie (A good book is a good book even when scares you). The graphic minimalism combines perfectly with the popular culture elements that prevails during the holidays and the books become vampires or phantoms through the imagination’s magic. The team responsible of fear: Eduard Cîrstea | Art Director and Luca Costea | Copywriter.
Netflix prepares for a new Narcos season and amazes again through complementary juxtapositions. This time around: Narcos and Irina Margareta Nistor. A tough tv series, with ruthless words, alongside the elegance of Irinei Margareta Nistor, known for the thousands of translations done, but especially for the finesse with which it avoids the unappropriated words with synonyms less soft, keeping the context.
Mercedes-Benz and Simona Halep. For 1 year with the World’s Number #1 Mondial „Performanța salută performanța”, a campaign by Saatchi&Saatchi + Geeks. The team: Teodora Ştefan, Tiberiu Coman | Copywriters; Dan Crețu | Art Director and Alex Buraga | Graphic Designer.
GMP, Webstyler and PressOne win with #TraiascăCapraVecinului for the statues in front of the press institutions such as: PRO TV, Hotnews, Europa FM, Recorder and Times New Roman.