The Public Advisors – 1 year since launching its marketing division

Business, Marketing, PR

Romanian PR & Communication agency The Public Advisors extended its portfolio, last year, with an integrated marketing division, which completers the area of services offered to its clients. During division’s first year, the agency managed externalized marketing campaigns for clients from sectors like FMCG, real estate, automotive and NGO.

Clients can get integrated marketing and PR consultancy, with a single contact point, benefiting of the guarantee expertize of the consultants, 360 degree implementation and the possibility of in-house temporary relocation of an expert.

Completing with this new component of externalized marketing when it comes of the services portfolio provided to the clients came as a normal step in our development, but also as a confirmation of the trend the communication industry as a whole goes towards. After several requests from clients when it came of implementing also marketing projects, we felt that there is a need in the market to offer to companies also that option. Both marketing and communication sectors expanded their coverage and are targeting, many times, the same audience, that grows in numbers- So that the juxtaposition of those domains represents an aspect through which communication can adapt and answer to the actual need of the business environment

Simona Dan,

Managing Partner, The Public Advisors.  

At the moment, through the externalized marketing division, The Public Advisors serves both clients in its portfolio and new clients that demand exclusively this type of activities. The most accessed services are research and analysis, the creation and coordination of brand strategy and its implementation online and offline.

Coordination between PR & Marketing offers to any business a bigger certainty and a better control when it comes of disseminating messages. Those 2 domains were always interconnected, but, during the last few years, we felt among companies an even higher need to enlist them. Even internationally, most communication specialists think the relation between PR and Marketing will become more normal and will contribute in a defining manner to make communication efficient. After a challenging period for marketing budgets, we are seeing a relaunch of the campaigns, including offline. For sure, the 13 years of experience in communicating in different sectors are offering us the capacity to adapt to any business and to understand fast the needs of the clients, so we could be able to become a trusted partner that would run the entire marketing process

Raluca Mihălăchioiu,

Managing Partner, The Public Advisors.   

The Public Advisors has 13 years of experience on the Romanian communication market and has a team of communication specialists with a passion for harnessing a harmonious relation between brands and consumers. Agency’s clients portfolio includes Bosch România, BNP Paribas Personal Finance România, Euler Hermes România – part of Allianz, HAGAG Development Europe, P3 Logistic Parks, Asociația Zi de Bine, Centrul de Studii despre Bere, Sănătate și Nutritie, Ideologiq, Alevia,  the date.,, SofMedica, Anadolu, Asociația Mai mult Verde, Asociația Berarii României, Unilever (Clear), CVW Technologies.