Lime and Cutwater – on harsh realities of car ownership and alternative of E-Bikes & E-Scooters 

Ads, All News, Business, Marketing, OOH / DOOH

Lime, the world’s largest shared electric vehicle company, has partnered with creative and media agency Cutwater to launch a national OOH campaign spotlighting the harsh realities of car ownership.

The campaign leverages witty copy and visually compelling images to spotlight the brand’s LimePass minute bundle, which offers discounted rates and unlimited free unlocks. The creative assets were developed and produced entirely in-house by Lime’s creative team. The local messaging in the content captures how the daily struggles and hefty prices that come with car ownership – such as insurance, gas, parking, maintenance, and repairs – can be solved with the benefits of LimePass.

“The key objective for this campaign was to highlight the savings riders score when choosing LimePass. While this does mean more cash in their pocket versus simply riding by the minute, savings are even steeper when compared to the misfortune of car ownership,” said Lime’s creative director, Evan Catlett. “Our creative ended up showing this choice every rider ultimately makes when leaving their home – to suffer the high cost of gas, car maintenance, insurance, parking and everything else that comes with driving a car, or pay a fraction of the cost with a LimePass that will likely get them where they need to be even faster? The split screen treatment we applied to the creative makes this choice clear and the financial savings even clearer.”

Media was strategized and executed by Cutwater. The plan boasts a robust buy of street-level placements across major U.S. cities, including Washington D.C., Seattle, and Chicago.

Cutwater Head of Media and Communications, Lizzy Ryan, adds,

“Lime and Cutwater shared the same vision for opening an honest dialogue about the realities and challenges of relying on cars in cities. From a media perspective, we asked ourselves, how can we further tailor our tactics for LimePass? We identified and targeted wallscapes, posters, bulletins, and digital transit shelters that were the most well-traveled. These extra steps and attention to detail make all the difference when reaching the rider community.”

Lime’s Head of Brand Marketing Christian Navarro,

“What was exciting for the team here at Lime – who concepted and produced the campaign entirely in-house – was the challenge posed by the campaign brief: how could we create a campaign that all at once feels like a brand conversation with our riders (and potential new riders), feels incredibly local to the city and community, AND showcases the value of our LimePass offering? Where we landed was an incredibly simple construct and framework that we loved because it can be (and has been) expanded to more and more markets.”

The work signals the brand’s continued growth and ongoing dedication toward a micromobile future. It follows the recent partnership for the 2024 Paris Olympics, an initiative that supported tens of thousands of visitors in need of transportation, as well as the pilot programs for the latest LimeBike and LimeGlider innovations.

By offering riders a range of flexible options to save money, LimePass directly supports Lime’s mission to create a future where transportation is shared, affordable and carbon-free. Commuters can save on rides by downloading the Lime app on Apple and Google Play.

Credits List:

Client: Lime

  • Chief Brand and Communications Officer: Carolyn Rosebrough
  • Head of Brand Marketing: Christian Navarro
  • Creative Director: Evan Catlett
  • Senior Brand Designer: Natalie LaPerre
  • Senior Brand Designer: Valerie Trisnadi
  • Manager, Content Development: Jeremy Greenbaum 
  • Manager, Social Media: Amanda Karges
  • Marketing Manager: Megan Nikzad
  • Director, Global Comms: Russell Murphy
  • Senior Communications Manager: Jacob Tugendrajch
  • Global PR Manager: Emily Irgang

Agency: Cutwater

  • Head of Media and Communications: Lizzy Ryan
  • Associate Director, Media Strategy: Caitlin Delaney
  • Media Planner: Caitlin Camastral

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