Marketing in a multinational versus an agency – the power of challenges and perspectives

Leadership / Mentorship, Marketing, Women in Business

After 12 years at a leading multinational, which played a key role in my professional development, the transition to an agency came with a number of challenges, but also with unexpected opportunities. The multinational was the place where I learned rigor and grew constantly, being part of a well-structured environment with clear processes and marketing strategies. I am deeply grateful for everything I learned there, but my new role at the agency has given me the opportunity to explore my creative side and push my limits.

The transition from the corporate environment, to a multinational, to a marketing agency comes with significant changes in the way of approaching marketing, but also in the daily dynamics of work. Both environments have their peculiarities, and each offers distinct opportunities for those who wish to develop their careers in marketing.

By Alina Lichiardopol, Business Unit Manager Mediascope

Challenges and necessary adjustments in transition

One of the most obvious challenges when moving from a multinational to an agency is the difference in pace. In multinationals, processes are well defined, with clear deadlines and approvals, and marketing represents a part of a strategy. Everything is planned for the long term and well structured. In the agency, however, dynamism is the order of the day. Projects change quickly, deadlines are short and flexibility is essential. Here, adaptability becomes an essential skill.

On the other hand, agencies offer a creative freedom that multinationals don’t always allow. Each client comes with different requirements and challenges, which allows the exploration of innovative solutions in a very short time. In this context, marketers must be prepared to constantly reinvent themselves, create customized campaigns and respond quickly to market demands.

Strategic Marketing vs. Creative Marketing

At multinationals, marketing is primarily strategic. Each campaign is part of a vision, well thought out and structured, which follows the directions imposed at the central level. The focus falls on coherence and consistency in all the markets in which the brand operates. Thus, any marketing action must follow some clear guidelines, which can limit creativity and local adaptability at times.

In an agency, marketing is much more creative and adaptable. There is no single recipe to follow, but each client requires a customized strategy that responds to the specifics of the market and its expectations. Agencies have the role of generating innovative ideas and delivering fast and effective solutions for a diverse range of clients. This implies much greater creative freedom and direct responsibility for the results obtained. Here I have the opportunity to bring to the table innovative solutions, which for me represents a real professional “refresh”. One that I needed and wanted.

Managing relationships with customers and collaborators

In a multinational, marketing is oriented towards internal brand management, and collaborations are mostly between departments or with external agencies. Relationships are more stable and priorities are clearly set according to the overall strategy. The role of marketing teams is to execute these strategies locally and ensure brand message consistency.

In the agency, things are different. Customer relations become an essential part of daily work. Each client has unique expectations, and it is the agency’s responsibility to manage these relationships, understand client needs and deliver customized solutions. Communication becomes much more frequent and intense, and customer satisfaction is the main indicator of success.

Learning and development opportunities

Multinationals usually offer well-structured training programs and clear professional development opportunities. These include leadership programmes, specialist workshops and well-defined career paths. Also, the opportunity to learn from the experience of colleagues both internally and from different countries and regions, provides a global perspective on marketing.

In agencies, learning is more hands-on and comes directly from the diversity of projects managed. Agency experience is much more varied as marketers are exposed to a multitude of industries and markets. This variety allows for faster skill development, but in a less formalized way.

Creativity and innovation

One of the most obvious contrasts between multinationals and agencies is the manner of approaching creativity. In multinationals, creative marketing is often limited by global brand strategies and standards. Even if there is room for innovation, it must be in accordance with clear guidelines imposed by the company, which can limit creative freedom.

In the agency, creativity is critical to success. Every client expects to receive innovative and bold solutions that differentiate their brand from the competition. Here, agencies have the role of breaking out of the box and proposing campaigns that surprise, inspire and generate visible results. This is one of the greatest challenges and satisfactions of the agency environment.

Moving from marketing in a multinational to marketing in an agency offers a completely different perspective on the industry. While multinationals offer stability, structure and clear opportunities for development, agencies offer dynamism, creativity and variety. Both mediums have their own challenges and benefits, and the balance between strategic rigor and creative freedom is key to becoming a successful marketing professional.

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