Euro 200,000 for promoting touristic Romania on Google & Yahoo
Touristic Romania will be promoted on Google and Yahoo with a budget of Euro 200,000, after the campaign on CNN and Eurosport, that were much more expensive. Also, the Tourism & Regional Development Minister will sponsor with Euro 100,000 a series of TV shows to promote tourism on national scale.
According to, Romanian Tourism & Regional Development Minister has a promoting budget of RON 21 m this year (almost Euro 5m). From this budget, RON 1,39m will be spent for “Tourist in Romania” campaign, that has as purpose promoting some national touristic destinations among Romanians
The promotion on Google and Yahoo will start after the country brand will be officially made public, next month.
According to THR&TNS, that received the mission to create the country brand for Romania, the main advantages of the brand are the nature, rural areas and unique historical objectives, thermal & Mineral water springs, spa locations, Sibiu, Danube and Dracula’s Castle.
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