Tag: Twitter
Jury for Piran Portoroz Poster Award was announced; Twitter Copy Contest is open
Golden Drum Festival announced members of the jury for Off Drum Competition Piran Portoroz Poster Award. Jure Apih, Honorary President Golden Drum, Founding member and CEO of ICAC – Intercontinental […]
Twitter race awarded with an Audi A4, organized by Lowe Roche and Pfaff Auto in Canada
The Pfaff Tweet Race is the first contest of its kind for Twitter users. The idea is simple: it’s a virtual race for a real car. The race began Monday, on […]
Cannes Lions 2012: Jack Dorsey, creator of Twitter – Media Person of the Year and Bill Clinton,former US President – Speaker
Cannes Lions 2012 awards this year the prestigious Media Person of the Year Award to Jack Dorsey, creator, co-founder and Executive Chairman Twitter, and co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Square. […]
GfK study: Companies use social media to improve relations with clients
A study made by GfK Romania – “How do companies use social media” – analyzed which are the social networks preferred by corporate communication specialists and what they are used […]
Infographic: Over half of Romanian Parliament members aren’t active online
54.21 % of Romanian Parliament members – 182 representatives and 69 senators – do not have a blog or a website to use in order to reach their electorate, according […]
U.S. creatives prefer Facebook or so the studies say
The creative professionals prefer Facebook to keep in touch with friends, colleague and acquintances, according to a survey made in US by The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service for […]
Tree Works launched Zelist for Bloggers
Tree Works launched Zelist for Bloggers, a monitoring instrument for blogs and Twitter accounts. It analyzes the activity on blogs and Twitter accounts, offering different information that can represent a […]
Contest on Twitter, launched by Golden Drum
Golden Drum, festival that takes place on October 5-8 in Portoroz (Slovenia), launched a Twitter Copy Contest for members of its Drummers Community. To enter the competition, the interested people […]
ZeList launched an instrument to measure social media impact of news sites
ZeList launched an instrument through which news sites impact in social media can be measured, as Wall-Street.ro writes . ZeList.ro, Romanian social media measuring platform, came up with an instrument […]
Netherlands, 1st worldwide in penetration for Twiter and LinkedIn
Netherlands ranks number one worldwide in penetration for Twitter and Linkedin, according to a comScore Media Metrix study, that reveals that the Dutch social networking market continues to grow strongly […]